Katie’s Story

June 10, 2021

“In 2017, at the end of her second year of university, Katie got sick, like, really sick.

After countless doctors appointments and many medical tests she was diagnosed with Scleroderma. Our determined kid worked through the constant pain, inflammation and side effects from medication, and was able to graduate from university on time with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (minor in Religious Studies). And last summer (yup, in the middle of the pandemic) she married Andrew and they’re living their happily ever after in Hampton NB.

Life is still hard. Katie is unable to work because of her pain and chronic fatigue. But she’s doing life with a smile on her face and we’re so proud!

Funds raised through the Scleroderma Virtual Walk, Run, Bike will benefit individuals living with this hard disease in Atlantic Canada by providing education, support and advocacy to those living with Scleroderma, and by providing critical funding to research to find a cure!
You can make a difference by making a donation through any of our team members!”

– Stephanie, Katie’s Mom